Orange Lily in front of black background

A Thankful Heart

“O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
~1 Chronicles 16:34

I’ve been doing some work here on the backend of the blog. Along the way, I’ve been reading snippets of older posts and was reminded of the goodness of the God we serve. We are reminded over and over that God and His plans for us are good, but sometimes in the middle of this crazy life, it’s hard to believe.

There seems to be so much sickness, sadness, and heartbreak in this world–and there is; but there’s also life, and hope, and joy–if we look for it. As I was reading these snippets, I saw that amid the hard things I faced, there was good. God was there leading me just as He promised.

I was thinking about the journey thus far: homeschooling, graduating, college, and researching, and starting this blog. I was reminded how blessed I am to be given these opportunities. Looking back, I realized that I’ve never heard the words, “You can’t do that!” or “That’s never going to work!”. I have always been shown love and encouragement. I’ve always been told things like, “Give it a try, what’s the worst that could happen?” or “I think you could really do this.”

“Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also have been doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11

I’m very thankful for all of the support I’ve been given throughout this journey. The words of encouragement and guidance that have been spoken have carried me far. I am not on this journey alone. No one is alone on their journey. We each have God lovingly showing us the way along with friends and family to encourage us to keep up the fight and stay on the path that God has for us.

I would personally like to thank each and everyone that has helped me along the way. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, for liking, sharing, and commenting on each of these posts, for offering a helping hand, for sharing your knowledge, and for giving me a chance to live my dream. Thank you! You are an encouragement to me!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue