
Are You Ready?

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

~Matthew 25:13

Most people attribute the parable of the 10 virgins recorded in Matthew 25:1-13 as the second coming of Christ and how we need to be ready.

Looking at these lanterns not only reminded me about the parable but also how we need to be ready in general–ready for good works (Eph 2:10), ready to give an answer (1 Peter 3:15), ready to fight the spiritual forces (Eph. 6:12), and ready to acknowledge that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isa. 55:9).

Before we even listed our house we prayed that His will be done. We were super excited that our house sold in a week, we found one a week later and were set to close on both houses October 14 and be setting the new house up on October 24.

The morning of October 6 we lost the contract on the new house due to zoning issues. After about 10 minutes of informing family and me freaking out and getting angry we went into “survival” mode; looking online for places to rent that would accept two cats and one soon-to-be large dog for about a month. We also started looking at other houses and praying that we wouldn’t have to go to an extended stay hotel for what looked to be five weeks. 

God answered some really BIG prayers in the days following the lost contract. The new owners of this house were kind enough to let us rent it until November 27–the latest day we would be able to get into the new house. We found a house the weekend after the contract fell through that we love even more than the one we lost.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus.”

~Philippans 4:19

When we pray for God’s will be done it’s not always a stright line from Point A to Point B. In fact it’s RARELY EVER a stright line; but in the end His plan is SO much better for us (Eph. 2:20). We didn’t know that the house that we are going to move into was the one for us back in August when we started looking, but God did. He provided a house for us to hold us over until the one that was really meant for us came on the market. Over all this house is MUCH better suited for us than the other one. The house is in a much better location, the yard is fenced in for the dog, and it has two fireplaces instead of one!

We may not understand all the twists, turns, hills and valleys that God has us travel in this life but He calls us to trust in His plan. To be ready to aknowledge that He’s got this and that in the end we will be better.

Until next time,

Bailey Sue