Raindrops on an Iris

Bright Spots in a Not-So-Bright Week!

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Last weekend was busy preparing for our Grandparents coming into town. They hadn’t been in since last Summer. Usually, we celebrate Thanksmas sometime between November and December but had to cancel last year; so, we made up for it with a Thanksmeaster celebration. We smoked a turkey, made all the fixings, a pumpkin pie, and sugar cookies.

We spent a lot of time talking around the table, sharing stories, and just visiting. Saturday night we watched “Holiday Inn”—the only movie that we know of that contains all three holidays! It was good to catch up and see them after almost an entire year!

Coming off a full weekend and a couple of late nights made for a rough start to the week.

I ended up spending way too much time mindlessly scrolling on my phone. I know better but I slipped and ended up in a funk. Instead of running toward the life I’ve been given, I was waiting for life to come to me. The weather wasn’t helping much either. We’ll get a good day or two of sun and warmth followed by a rainy, cloudy, and cold day. We’re even under a frost advisory overnight! But on one of the cold and rainy days I noticed that our Irises had bloomed. God was giving a little pop of color on a blah and dreary day…

Growing up we listened to all sorts of audiobooks and dramas. We’d listen to “Adventures in Odyssey” or some of Jim Weiss’s recordings on long car rides or resting in the afternoon. Some of our favorite series like “Little House on the Prairie” or “The Chronicles of Narnia” we’d listen to at night like a bedtime story instead of watching T.V. Especially in the Fall and Winter this was something we all looked forward to.  There was even one year that we all camped out in the living room and listened to stories each night as we fell asleep.

As we’ve all gotten older and busier with work, and school we’ve kind of gotten away from audiobooks… As Christmas comes around, we make sure to listen to one of our favorites “A Candle in the Window”. It was suggested the other day that I start listening to them again, so I picked a new-to-me one off the shelf called “Fatal Judgement” by Irene Hannon. I’m nearly 3 hours in and I’m really enjoying it so far.

This weekend should be fun too! We’re participating in our Church’s Walk4Water event tomorrow! If you’d like more information about what we do, or you’d like to donate check out this post for more information and the link to our family’s donation page!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue