Broken Chair

Broken and Beautiful…

Monday it was supposed to rain, but it didn’t! The sun shone and it turned out to be a really nice day! So, we made the most of it and finally got around to repairing and painting these old chairs.

This broken chair reminds me a lot of 2020…We had big plans for the year and once we finally sat down the legs fell off!

But really, in some ways it feels like we’ve missed SO much. Easter Sunday at Church, Mother’s Day get-togethers, the second half of the school year, and graduation just to name a few. Yet we’ve been given much. A fresh perspective, a clean slate, peace, and time with family.

We may think that this year is broken, but is it really?

While that chair may be broken now, it’s still standing. Dad’s going to cut a piece of strong wood and repair the chair one night this week. He’ll finish it off with a fresh coat or two of paint and no one will be able to tell the difference.

I’ve seen something like this said a lot on social media in recent weeks. Maybe this year isn’t the year we thought it would be, but maybe it’s the year we needed. Maybe in some ways, it’s a reset button. A reminder that we don’t need to go-go-go all the time. That a little peace and time spent with family is good for the soul.

Dad knew just what the chair needed to be made strong, and safe again. And He’s willing to put in the time and work to make it better than it was before. Our Heavenly Father is the exact same way…

“Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! “
~Matthew 7:9-11

Maybe one day in the not-too-distant future we’ll look back and realize that the year we thought was broken actually turned out to be more beautiful than we ever could have imagined…

Until next time,

Bailey Sue