“…And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.” ~ 1 Kings 19:12b
With all that has gone on in today’s world sometimes we can’t help but wonder where God is in all of this. We wonder why on earth would He allow such-and-such to happen. Or why He doesn’t just show up in a HUGE way and fix the problem. I mean, God created the world and He can read our minds why won’t He just change them so that the world is a better place?
I’m begining to think that His reasoning for this is very simple: Tust. So many times in the Bible God tells us that He’s in control and already knows how this entire thing is going to turn out. And I believe that in a way we do too. Things may be very stressful and scary and downright icky down here but we know that when all is said and done one day we will be in Heaven and see Jesus face to face.
Sure, sometimes God does show up in big ways. For example, two weeks ago we had NO idea where we were going to live. We actually had to be out of our house by the 24th. In that two weeks time God has shown us another house that we like even better than the one that we had and allowed the owners of this house to let us rent it for a month until we can get occupency in the new house.
But I also think that God shows up more in the small ways. If you look hard enough He is indeed everywhere. From the changing leaves, the friendly smile on a bad day, and the endless other things in this life that we sometimes don’t even notice.
I know from experience that we can get so busy and so tired that we forget to look around. We enter into survival mode; going from one day to the other not really living just existing. Is that a good way to live? I don’t think so.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” ~John 10:10
Did you catch that? Jesus wants you to live an abundant life. He died so that we not only could live but, so that we could live well. Some synonyms for abundant include plentiful, ample and lavish. He doesn’t want us to live in fear of the future or sit around all day waiting for a huge neon sign from God declaring, “I’m Here!!”. He wants us to look for Him, to seek Him.
“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you…” ~Psalm 63:1a
After all we can’t always expect a burning bush. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Mattew 7:7
Until next time,
Bailey Sue