“For I am about to do something new,
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
~Isaiah 43:19
There’s something refreshing about a fresh start. The beginning of a new week or a new month always makes me want to make changes. Sometimes small changes like keeping up with chores and sometimes big changes like starting a new exercise routine. Either way I usually don’t get very far before I create an excuse and fall off the band wagon.
That’s why I was really not wanting to set official work hours and create an actual schedule. I was worried that I would put in a lot of work planning this only to see it fall through the cracks. Again.
![My Work Hours](https://thekingslittleredhomestead.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/My-Work-Hours-300x199.jpg)
However at the insistence of my Mother and some encouragement from various books, bloggers, and friends I decided to give it a try. And guess what?? Mom was right again! (Sometimes I really wonder why I ever question her in the first place). I decided to splurge and buy a neat planner that had a weekly schedule included (I found it on sale for $5 at Wal-Mart) and get started.
I gave myself the official title of CEO and wrote a job description. With Mom’s ingenuity I put together a binder that contains most of my important notes all neatly organized. I found a small basket upstairs that we weren’t using to house all of my office supplies. That way almost everything I would need in a day is contained at my finger tips. This basket is stored in my room and carried down to the dining room every work day.
I don’t have an official office at this time but I do make use of the really large dining room table. Since the Dining room is separated from the rest of the house (and has the best cell reception) it makes the best office space.
I started this new routine yesterday and was very happy with the results. I realized how much time I had been wasting on frivolous things that had no Eternal value. I saw just how many excuses I had been making to avoid the hard things. And I have decided that if this is what I really want to do with my life (which it is) then I need to rearrange a few things and put more time and effort into this. I have been skating by for too long.
I’m actually excited to see what each new day holds and what things I am able to accomplish. With God on my side and a fresh attitude I know that I can conquer anything that the devil throws in my path.
What are some things you are looking forward to this month? Are there any new changes that you are hoping to stick to? Tell me in the comments below.
Until next time,
Bailey Sue
PS. The official start of Autumn is 52 days away!! (: