Sunrise Framed by Trees

Not My Will…

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Sometimes in life our circumstances aren’t what we’d like. When this happens we have a choice.

Either we avoid it and do everything in our power to ignore it OR we learn to embrace it and make the best of it!

Maybe part of Owning it and being who God wants us to be is embracing the life that He died to give us–especially when we don’t like it.

After all while Jesus was here on the earth He had to do many things that he didn’t like or want to do. Being tempted by the Devil (Matthew 4:1-11) and going to the cross. He even prayed several different times asking God for a way possible for Him not to face the cross (Matthew 26:36-46).

As our preacher, Ralph reminded us on Sunday what propelled Jesus to face those hard things was the love He had for His Father. Each time He prayed begging God for another way He also prayed that the  will of His Father be done. Jesus’s purpose on earth is the same as ours–Doing the will of our Father (John 4:34).

Just like God sent angels to comfort Jesus in His times of distress (Matthew 11:11 + Luke 22:43) He sends reassurance to us as well. A reminder from a friend, a song on the radio, a smile from a stranger, etc.

So, when you find yourself facing something you don’t like big or small remember that Jesus understands and deeply knows what that feels like. Take courage knowing that you’re not alone and gain strength from your Heavenly Father. Through Him you can advance against an army and scale any wall (Psalm 18:29).

Until next time,

Bailey Sue

P.S. Did you know that our family is once again Walking 4 Water? We’re walking to raise money to provide clean water for those in developing countries that have to walk an AVERAGE of 4 miles to get water that is often dirty and makes them sick. You can read more about the program and donate HERE.

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