Moon surrounded by clouds and trees

Our Daily Blessings! (:

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Happy Friday Ya’ll! I hope that you’ve had a good week! We’ve been pretty busy lately working on some house projects and getting ready for Fall. I have what feels like 1/2 million things planned that I want to do between now and then…So, these next few weeks should be interesting… In the meantime let’s take a minute to count a few of our blessings from this past week, shall we?

1) The 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing

Moon surrounded by clouds and treesToday marks 50 years since Neil Armstrong became the first man to ever walk on the moon! I can’t help but think of the movie “Apollo 13”. The first few scenes in the movie document Jim Lovell’s family and friends celebrating the moon landing! Someday I’d love to watch the original news coverage from that day all the way through. I’m grateful that we live in a nation that allows us to experience the creation of God in this way. It wasn’t something that only the selected few got to see, it was for all…

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” ~Neil Armstrong

2) Air Conditioning

One of the many things I am thankful for this week is that this house has Central Air. With all this heat and humidity I’m glad that we have a cool house to come home to and that all our vehicles have working A.C.! (:


It’s about time for BLT’s, hamburgers with fresh tomatoes, and SALSA!! It won’t be long now until all that we’ve worked and hoped for becomes a reality! And then we’ll be busy canning and preserving it all for the Winter. I’m excited and a little overwhelmed at the prospect!

What are some blessings that you’ve noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Stay cool out there this weekend!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue