Ladies and Gentleman…Welcome to your weekend! I am SO thankful that our house projects are pretty much done! Life can finally start getting back to normal and Fall can officially arrive…we are READY! There’s so many blessings that I’ve noticed from the past couple of weeks that I’d like to share with you…You ready?
1) A few days of R+R!
I am SO ready to take a step back and breathe! Between a few new open doors business wise, our house renovations, canning, and the general life things I could use a few days to just rest!!
Thankfully we’re doing that this weekend! Dad, Bradley, and I have a couple of days off and we’ve got a few things planned that we’ve wanted to do this Summer. To be honest we’re not really Summer people. It’s hot and we’re not big swimmers, so our vacations and trips usually take place in the Fall when everyone goes back to school and the museum, park, etc. is practically ours! One time when we went to Tennessee we about got a free tour just for being the only ones there!
2) My “Warehouse”
As part of our house renovations I am now able to have a little space for my “Warehouse” and supplies. Okay, it’s technically a shelf but it’s holding all of my completed merchandise and the title Wareshelf sounded too similar to werewolf; so although it’s not a building I’m “Owning It“!
I’m really excited about this for a few reasons. 1) It symbolizes some of the growth that has occurred this year to my business with the addition of my very own shop. 2) Everything is no longer stuffed in an assortment of boxes! It’s now easier to find, easier to get to, and protected. 3) I’m only in two rooms (my office area and my warehouse area) as opposed to being spread out all over the house. (WOOHOO!!)
3) Answered Prayers
I’m thankful to see God working in the world. So often I get discouraged by the lack of good in the world. I’m thankful to see that when we pray, He answers. It may not be as quick as we want or answered in the exact way that we want but He does answer!
4) The 1st Treats of Fall
I I don’t know about you, but I am SO ready for Fall! I’m anxiously awaiting the day I can wear a long-sleeved shirt, and jeans or even sweatpants! There’ll be a toasty fire in the fireplace and hopefully pumpkin spice creamer (for some reason this stuff was nearly impossible to find last year😕). So we decided that when we do find some we’ll be buying extra and freezing it!
A week or so ago we enjoyed the very first treats of Fall! Mom went to the store and found some pumpkin spice yogurt covered pretzels that smell AND taste like Fall!! And since they’re covered in yogurt instead of chocolate I can have more without feeling guilty right? Then a day or so later JoJo made these really good pumpkin spice, chocolate, latte cookies. Trust me, they were as good as they sound! And let’s not forget about soup season! I LOVE curling up with a blanket and a warm bowl of soup in front of the fire!!
What are some of the blessings that you’ve noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
Until next time,
Bailey Sue
Nice work using the shelf space to organize your supplies–all together, easy to find, & easy to put away!! Yes, I’m ready for all things pumpkin!!