Bailey celebrating fall

Our Daily Blessings! (:

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Today feels like Thursday! Every time Daddy takes a day or so off of work it messes up the entire week…But the calendar says that it’s Friday so that means it’s time for another addition of “Our Daily Blessings”! You ready?

Let’s dive in!

Since Daddy and I work the Polls for each election we had training on Monday. This was partly a refresher course and part introduction to a BRAND NEW system. To be honest I was somewhat skeptical of this new system (I don’t like change, remember?). But after sitting through the training I’m actually looking forward to it. This new system makes set up and tear down a LOT EASIER. No more running reports for 45 minutes after we close the polls, hopefully, fewer printer issues and the best part? It’ll make it SO much easier to process the voter! 👍👍

Since we’ve been working the same location for the past few years we’ve gotten to know the people we work with. In May there wasn’t an election in the location that we normally work so we got placed in a different location. I did enjoy it (and am thankful for that time) but I missed “my people”. So, I’m VERY thankful to be back this election! Seeing *almost* all of the regulars  Monday for training was fun too! (:

Tuesday was the first day of October which made me really happy but also curious as to how we got here THIS fast.

Although it’s been anywhere from 80-93° the weather people are forecasting Fall like temperatures next week!!! (: Then Mom and Dad celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. Since Daddy had some extra vacation time he took the day off. We spent the morning cutting wood and then they went out to dinner. Meanwhile Jr was at school, so JoJo and I ate dinner and had ice cream. Just about the time we were going to pop in a movie they got home! 

I’m listening to the audiobook “I Can Only Imagine: A Memoir” by Bart Millard-Lead Singer of MercyMe. After watching (and loving) the movie last year I had always wanted to read the book. I think it’s interesting. I’m learning that although the movie is accurate TO A DEGREE there are some pieces that were left out in an effort to make it a normal length.

It’s only by actually READING (or listening) to the actual book do we get a better idea of what actually happened and the scope of both the damage and the healing that took place.

And I was reminded that although people, songs and devotional books, T.V. shows and movies can be helpful in encouraging our faith and giving us hope they aren’t meant to hold our faith. So often I place people–God’s creation–on a pedestal and when they act human I get let down and hurt. People can impact us, encourage us and speak truth to us but they aren’t THE TRUTH. They aren’t the SOURCE of truth. We can only get the FULL story, the full impact, and be forever changed by the TRUTH found in the Word of God–through reading (or listening) to what He’s made sure is preserved for us  in the Bible (John 14:6)

What are some of the blessings that you’ve noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Have a great weekend!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue