Girl laughing in grassy area

Our Daily Blessings!(:

Hey Ya’ll, welcome to June! Can you believe that the year is almost 1/2 over?!? It seems to go so much faster the older I get…

For this week’s blessings I’m going to do something a little different. Ya’ll ready? Great, let’s get started!

Our backyard!

Our “old” backyard was roughly 1/4 of an acre. We now have 3/4 of an acre. It didn’t take us long to figure out that our yard has zones. We have 5 different zones and each zone is known for something different. This allows us to “travel” the world without ever getting in a car!

Zone #1

Boots in a Muddy YardZone one is the most dreaded area of the entire yard and by far the messiest. We’ve named it The Swamp. Every time it rains, this area of the yard floods and becomes like muddy quick sand. This along with a very large puppy is responsible for our VERY muddy clothing!

Trinity sitting on her stump in the middle of the swamp
Trinity sitting on her stump in the middle of the swamp. (:

Zone #2

Girl sitting among twigs and BrushThis is the Beaver Dam. It was a very large pile of sticks and brush when we first moved in, but since the weather has broken we have been trying to get it burned so that next year we can hopefully get some chickens and bee hives. Then it’ll probably be called The Farm. (:

Zone #3

Girl laughing in grassy areaThe “Holy Lands” This is a small area that is full of holes and divots. It’s a miracle no one has fallen and twisted or broke something yet.

Zone #4

Girl standing in wooded area“The Woods” is another area toward the back of the property that Trinity loves to play in and explore.

Zone #5

Girl sitting at picnic tableMy personal favorite, “The Campground”. This little area is home to our picnic table and fire pit we think it looks very picturesque and vacation-y.

 What are some of the blessings that you have noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Have a great weekend!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue

*Photo credit: Billie Jo K. & Lori K.*