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Hello and welcome to Friday! I don’t know about you but this week has been a little on the good side of crazy. We’ve had a lot going on and a lot to do. But as always there were quite a few blessings along the way…
1) Celebrating our Easter
Considering that this time of the year is always a little crazy and hectic for our family we have decided to celebrate Easter a week early. We went to church and instead of wearing our planned Easter outfits we just wore something nice, somewhat Springy and warm since it was freezing out on Sunday.
We grabbed something quick out to eat for lunch since Bradley had his firefighter training. Once he got home Easter could officially begin! We did things a little differently this year as far as the food went. We decided that we’d have ham, roasted potatoes (instead of scalloped potatoes), roasted veggies, applesauce, and dinner rolls.
The “Easter Bunny” also came early to our house. We got to open our Easter baskets before we ate, There’s one thing that I especially love with Easter baskets: the snacky foods and of course the chocolate! While dinner was finishing up we got to enjoy a little snack–which is always nice. 🙂
After we ate we watched our Easter movie: “The Easter Beagle Charlie Brown“. I think it’s neat now that we’re all older. Instead of waking up to filled Easter Baskets and losing a half hour of sleep in the process. Mom and Dad assemble them in their room and while they bring them out we just sit on the couch with our eyes closed…
2) The Magic Wand that curls my hair
One thing that I equally love and loathe about my hair is how straight it is. I have very fine, very straight hair. It makes it quite nice when I’m short on time since I just bush it and walk right out the door. But the texture and thickness of my hair makes it almost impossible to curl.
We’ve tried all sorts of things. Most curling irons will work as long as my hair is plastered with hairspray as it’s being curled, but I don’t have a ton of patience so this is usually reserved for very special occasions. If I decide that I really don’t want my hair to be crunchy all day it usually ends up wavy within a few hours and by the end of the night is back to being fairly straight.
But, there’s HOPE! Jojo had been researching curling wands. I was really skeptical thinking, “What’s the difference?” But, once she curled my hair with it–I LOVE IT. My hair actually stayed curly ALL DAY with a minimum amount of hairspray! *Happy Dance**
3) Our little orchard
Remember those trees that were beginning to flower in the dining room? Sadly, it’s still too cold to plant them outside. So, we went to the store and picked up some 5 gallon buckets and some potting soil and planted them. Right now they are hanging out in the sun room. It’s not as much of a shock to their little systems since it doesn’t get quite as cold out there as it does outside. So, for the time being we have a little orchard in the house. Hopefully all the trees will be well enough to plant outside here soon…
What are some of your blessing from this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Have a great weekend! And Happy Easter!!!
Until next time,
Bailey Sue