Bailey taking a picture

Our Daily Blessings! (:

Happy Friday Y’all! I hope that you’ve had a great week! We are finally getting back to normal after saying goodbye to another successful busy season. Now that the weather has broken it’s time to be outside a whole lot more! Which leads me to this week’s first blessing…

1) Being outside

I’m actually quite excited to be outside more. For so long I spent too much time in front of some sort of screen that I kinda forgot how good it felt to work outside. Moving here has forced us to shut the screens off and spend more time outside enjoying God’s creation and each other’s company.

Last week we were able to get outside and clean up some brush from the front yard. Y’all, we really only spent an hour or two working and the front of the house looks 1,000 times better. And another bonus is that we got to have a bonfire. There’s just something exciting about having outdoor fires this time of the year. It takes me back to spending Summer’s at the campground with my grandparents and cousins and Uncle Dick’s fires. Those were the best. 😉

Over this past weekend we started cutting down a tree to make room for some of our fruit trees. So, we’ve been working on cutting up the large branches and saving them for firewood and then burning the smaller twigs…

And earlier this week I was even able to go outside and get some pictures just for FUN—Something I haven’t done in a long time…

2) Finally being able to attend my Bible Study again

With our busy season in full swing, hotel stays, packing, unpacking, and dealing with the second round (or crazy weather) of sinus crud I wasn’t able to go to my Bible study as often as I had hoped. But last Tuesday I was finally able to go again! And you know what? I loved it! Lately, I’ve been leaving with lots of good things to think about and finding things in my life that need to change. Often times these changes are small but we’ve all got to start somewhere! And more often than not it’s the smallest changes that make the biggest impact! 🙂

3) A Springy day and friendly banter

Yesterday was a little different. Not necessarily bad different but it was just different. Both Daddy and Bradley were gone the vast majority of the day. Mom had to run to Kroger to get a few things that we needed. By the time we actually got motivated it was like 3:00. Not really a big deal since it was sunny and very Spring-y out. I didn’t even need a jacket! So, we took the scenic route… Once we got there and completed our shopping we stood in line to pay for our groceries.

And it was really neat to see the cashier and the bagger banter back and forth in a very friendly and entertaining way.  We  ended up leaving Kroger with really big smiles on our faces…

What are some of the blessings that you’ve noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Have a great weekend!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue

P.S. In 8 days our family will be walking for a cause. Will you please consider sponsoring our family here? **All of the money donated will be given straight to Healing Hands International to provide clean water** Thanks so much for your consideration!