Chicken Modeling_With Blog URL

Our Daily Blessings! (:

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Well hello there! It’s Friday and that means that it’s once again time to take a minute to remember all the blessings that God has provided this week. Are you ready to dive in? I hope so!

1) Class going well

A few months ago a lady at church that’s also in my Bible Study group asked me to help her teach a class for the Fall quarter, I agreed quite happily as I love working with children. When it came time to sign up I became just a little worried as we signed up for an Elementary age group (a first for the both of us). I’m usually much more comfortable with the babies or preschool age group…

Sunday was our second time teaching together and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It went very smoothly and I enjoyed the lesson. Sometimes I find it almost relaxing and reassuring to teach the younger kids because I know that I tend to over complicate the Bible at times, and sometimes making easily understandable for the kids makes me feel a little better. It reminds me that it’s really as simple as it sounds: Love God and love your neighbor. (:

2) Chicken Update!

I thought that it would be fun to give ya’ll a little update on our ever growing hens. Provided our calculations are correct we should be starting to get some fresh eggs around Thanksgiving (hopefully!). They’re getting so big and brave.

We’ve started letting them out more to free range and eat all the nasty bugs out of the yard. When we first started doing this they stayed pretty close to the coop and the “woods” behind it. Maybe every once in a while they’d venture past the shed or up to the fire pit, but not often. Now, they’re getting much more comfortable and venturing quite far in yard. So far they’ve made it up to Trinity’s stump and even been hanging around the apple trees close to the house. My favorite things about the chickens would have to be how excited they get to be let out to range and how they follow some of us around waiting to be fed.

Chickens Running_With Blog URL

We’ve learned quite quickly where the term bird-brain comes from. Chickens can be quite gross and having NO clue what so ever about sanitary eating conditions or personal hygiene, but it’s funny to see how they have some personality. They have their opinions on which snacks they like best and they get a little angry when the rest of the flock leaves them behind…And sometimes they like to show off and model for us…

Chicken Modeling_With Blog URL 3) A Reminder from a nice Gentleman

So, Mom and I were walking into the bank the other day and there was this slightly older gentleman walking out. The man kindly held the second door open for Mom while I held the outside door open for him to walk through. Once Mom walked through he patiently stayed there holding the door and then looked at me through the glass and kindly told me to “Come on”. I then peeked around the door and asked if he was sure and he said he was, his mother raised him on the belief of ladies first. I smiled and said thank you and walked through the door.

This patient kind man reminded of how God works… He opens doors that He wants us to walk through and patiently waits for us to walk through. We often know deep down what it is that God wants us to do, but we’re a little afraid to walk through. “What if this doesn’t work? Will God really come through like He has before? Does He really want me to walk through this particular door?” 

And you know what? Just like that man at the bank patiently held open the door and encouraged me to walk through to the other side; God does much the same. He holds open the door, encourages me to continue on the path that He created for me in special ways that I understand, and walks with me though to the other side. It may seem scary but we have the God of the universe fighting for us…we really can do all things through Him (Phil. 4:13).

So, I kinda forgot that I had these three already written out and ready to go today. Then just the other day I thought of another blessing that I’d like to share to share with you! I hope you don’t mind the little Friday Bonus! (:

Friday Bonus! 4) Celebrating my Birthday!

Wednesday happened to be my 22nd birthday! (: And I wanted to tell you about a few of the blessings from that day! I had decided to take the day a little slower so that I could have time to make my dinner and cake! But it turns out that I had a little tech issue so I got to spend most of the day reading a really good book which was an added bonus!  It’s a little tradition that our family started years ago since we all like to cook. If it’s your birthday you can choose one of three options. 1: Go out to eat at your favorite restaurant. 2: Request your favorite meal. Or 3: Make a meal of your choosing.

22nd Birthday Dinner_With Blog URL

This year I decided to make Crockpot Chicken Cordon Bleu, with seasoned mixed veggies, a loaf of french bread and a chocolate pumpkin cheesecake. And it all turned out quite well! I was a little leery of the chocolate/pumpkin combination but it was actually really good! (: I ended up adapting a pumpkin cheesecake bar recipe (from this cookbook) into a pie since we didn’t have enough graham crackers to make a graham cracker crust but we already had a pre-made graham cracker crust. It was just a little bit of a challenge to cut but I think that’s because I didn’t let it sit for a few minutes after coming out of the fridge.

Me and my Birthday Cake_With Blog URL

I absolutely LOVED my gifts this year and I especially loved the way that they were wrapped. I received a wax warmer and 3 different kinds of wax melts. Mom got me one and the warmer came with 2 that we didn’t know about. And then I got a new favorite shirt! It’s one of those longer tunic tops in pretty fall colors and says “Pumpkin Spice is my favorite season”! That made my day! And the best news is that I get to finally wear it this weekend without roasting when I step outside! (:

Me and my wax melter_With Blog URL
Opening my Pumpkin Spice Shirt_ With Blog URL
I was pretty excited about this shirt! (:
Me and my Pumpkin Spice Shirt_With Blog URL
I think I found my new favorite shirt! (:

I’m also thankful for all of the people who wrote on Facebook, texted me, or told me Happy Birthday! It means a lot to know that I have so many people that care. Thank You! (:

What are some blessings that you’ve noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Have a great weekend!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue

2 thoughts on “Our Daily Blessings! (:”

  1. Am so proud of you for stepping up and helping teach the kids class at church! and Congratulations again on your special birthday! It is so wonderful to have a special family to make that special day great!

    Thanks for being a blessing or Melody and I and everyone around you!

    1. Thanks so much! And thanks to both you and Melody for being such an encouragement to me and all of those around you! Glad to see that both of you are doing better!(:

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