Bailey eating a donut_blog URL

Our Daily Blessings! (:

Hello and welcome to your Friday! I hope that you’ve had a great week. We’ve been pretty busy this week and have noticed several blessings along the way! If you’re ready we can get started…

1) A Silver Example

This past week Mom and Dad celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary! I’m thankful for the example that they have set. Life hasn’t been easy and they’ve been through a lot in 25 years, but they’ve always been there for each other and for us kids as well. Despite Daddy’s sometimes crazy work hours, he’ll often come home after a long day and help one of us out with some project we’re working on. Mom has always been willing to assist or encourage us/offer godly advice time and time again. We’ve dubbed her the family psychologist on numerous occasions….

However the one thing that has stuck with me about their marriage is this: in my 22 years of life I have NEVER heard them raise their voices at each other. Yes, they’ve had disagreements and spats, all couples do; but I’ve NEVER heard them yell or argue with each other. The sense of safety and security that has provided growing up has been huge. I can only hope and pray to provide that same sense of security for my children one day.

2) A Limited Time Offer!

Elf Bailey with a Special announcementSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE NORTH POLE!!

Santa’s elf got a little ahead of herself and ordered several notebooks with the Traditional Christmas Tree photo on the front and my logos on the back for a project I was working on. It turns out that I no longer have a use for them and now I’m offering them for sale! I’m asking $12.00 per notebook plus the cost of shipping if you are not local. I have a limited number so they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis until they’re gone. If you’d like to purchase one let me as soon as possible. You can email me, comment below or send me a private message on Instagram or Facebook

**These notebooks would be perfect for making your Christmas list and checking it twice!!**(;

3) A Family Fun day at the Mum Festival

Bailey-surrounded-by-mums_blog-URL.jpgLast Saturday we had a great time at the local Mum Festival! We all thoroughly enjoyed the parade! Seriously, it’s been one of the best parades we’ve seen in a long time! They had a lot of fire trucks, so Bradley was pretty thrilled. And the bands? Oh, my! They were awesome! Several really cool old cars (like 1930’s-40’s). We even saw a member from church in his corvette (which was really cool, because I hardly ever know anyone in the parades). (:

Bailey eating a donut_blog URLAndbut it reminds me of something that Mom always says to us. Every time she drops us off somewhere she always gives us her “Mom spiel”. That also made me smile. (:

After the parade we ended up walking around several craft booths after the really long walk to the park. Note for next year: park closer to the park and not the parade. Your feet will thank you! I ended up getting a couple of really nice bracelets and then we went to Wendy’s for lunch! I really did have a good time and can’t wait to do more of this sort of thing as Christmas draws closer.

What are some of the blessings that you’ve noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below! Have a fantastic weekend!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue