Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Wednesday Wonders!(:

Hey Ya’ll! Can you believe that today’s the last day of May? Where did the last 5 months go?!? Here’s the last May Wonders…

1) Our “Stone Wall”

"Stone Wall"We’ve been doing some work on our flower beds. We decided to take up the rock border and discovered that it consisted of two layers of long heavy rocks. We moved all those rocks up against the shed and built ourselves a “stonewall”.

2) Mr. Red Throat

Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Photo Credit: Mark K.

We’ve recently put a couple of hummingbird feeders near our front porch. It took a little while for the birds to find us but they finally have. Usually, it’s the male Ruby-throated humming Bird whom we’ve named Mr. Red Throat. His Wife Mrs. Green Feather has been seen a couple of times, but she’s not yet become a regular.

3) The Deep Blue Sky

Deep Blue Sky and White Puffy CloudsI was out taking a few pictures and noticed how blue the sky was. It really made the white puffy clouds pop.

What are some of the wonders you have noticed this past week? I’d love for you to share them below.

Until next time,

Bailey Sue