Turkey Vulture

Wednesday Wonders!(:

Welcome to Summer! Today is the official start to Summer. Here’s a few wonders from the past week.

1) The Summer Solstice

In case you were wondering today is the longest day of the entire year. I always think that that’s  really neat. I heard somewhere that my little section of southern Ohio has about 15 hours of daylight today. And as a bonus we start loosing daylight in the very near future; which means that Fall is just around the corner!! (YAY!)

2) This Picture of the Moon

Moon and power linesI love pictures of sunsets and the moon. The other night when we were out driving we saw a full moon. I snapped a picture or two and was very pleased with this one. I love the way that the power lines are all around the moon but not intersecting it.

3) The Vulture

Turkey VultureAbout a week ago Mom came and told me to grab my camera and take a picture of this vulture. He was hanging out on the neighbor’s roof. I was really surprised that he stayed put as long as he did especially when I had to  go inside and get a longer lens. Once I got a couple of really good pictures I decided to zoom in on the individual photos and was very shocked to see that he was eyeing me. As I looked closer at the images I realized that he was looking over his shoulder at me as if to say, “Why on earth are you taking my picture?”

What are some of wonders that you have noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue