Lilacs growing in brush

Wednesday Wonders!(:

Happy Wednesday Ya’ll! The weather in southern Ohio is fabulous! The windows are opened, the birds are chirping and the sun has been playing hide and seek all day! Here’s some of the wonders from this past week.

1) This picture of the moon

As I’ve mentioned I love to photograph the moon. One night last week I was able to get this picture!

Moon surrounded by clouds and trees

2) The Woodpecker

One day last week Mom suddenly noticed a woodpecker pecking near the beaver dam. She ran out with my camera and grabbed a few shots. This one is cropped slightly so that you can really see the detail. He’s quite a cute little bird! I love that even with the crop the bird is still so clear–I’m sort of sad that I didn’t think to take this picture!


3) The Lilacs in the middle of the brush pile

I’ve told ya’ll before that the front yard near the driveway is filled with brush. But, Mom noticed that there were lilacs growing in the midst of the brush. I thought that it was neat that in the middle of the mess there’s these beautiful lilacs! It reminds me how our lives can be such a “mess” and then there’s the beautiful parts where God begins to work in us. The lilacs in the middle of the mess of our lives if you will.

Lilacs growing in brush

What Wonders have you noticed in your life this past week? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below!

Until next time,

Bailey Sue