
We’re Home…

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

~Romans 12:12

Hey everybody! Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. We moved into the new house last week and finally got internet this morning. So, here I am!

With that being said, there is so much that I have learned from this process thus far. I’ve learned to really appreciate the little things that most of the time we take for granted. Last night was the first night in about 4 weeks that we actually had  a home cooked dinner on our glass dishes. Oh the joy! We weren’t even sure what we enjoyed more the food or eating off of real plates! (:

Even though there is still a lot of unpacking to do this house screams with potential. We as family love anything old-fashioned or rustic and this house fits the decor perfectly. Right now I am sitting on the loveseat facing a paned glass window looking at the electrified lantern hanging in the corner listening to Christmas music from our new record/stereo/cassette/CD player (Our first gift of Christmas)!!

old-radio-and-hanging-oil-lanternI remember fearing that once we left the old house I would be unhappy here and want to go back, but I’m finding the opposite; I LOVE this house. And it really does feel like home.

We were worried about how our cats would adjust with the move and let me tell you: THEY LOVE IT HERE (At least they act like they have been here for a year not just a week.) We have a sun room and lots and lots of windows throughout the house and Calico loves to perch herself in the middle of  the stairs and look into the sunroom to get a view of all five windows at one time and have quick access to the Attic/Storage room if the puppy gets too excited.

oreo-and-calico“…For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.” –Isaiah 55:8

It has been a very long 3 1/2 months. Even though it was trying at times we knew that in the end it would all work out for the best. Through prayer we were able to have peace knowing that God had this all planned from the begining–that He wasn’t surprised by the house falling though. We learned that His plans really are bigger, better and higher than we could ever dream.

Until next time,

Bailey Sue