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I love movies or T.V. shows that have a little bit of romance, cheesy pickup lines and all. The fact is, if a movie or show doesn’t have romance in it I probably won’t like it. Though there are a few exceptions (“Captain Phillips” being one). I can’t exactly figure out why these movies/shows appeal to me like they do. Maybe it’s because I like watching how they care for each other in very practical ways, like bringing dinner over after a long day, or the simple reassurance that everything will turn out okay. Maybe it has to do with watching the guy protect and pursue the girl.
I tend to be very old fashioned and have been told more than once that I have an old soul; therefore, I prefer the movies or shows where the guy initiates the relationship. I’ve seen my fair share of pick up lines and attempts at impressing a girl. Some I find adorable, others I cringe. But one particular phrase makes me angry.
You complete me.
Yep, the girl who loves romantic movies HATES the phrase “you complete me”. While I understand the sediment it’s just not true! As part of my goals for 2020 I’m reading the Bible through this year. While reading the account of Creation found in Genesis 1+2 I noticed something interesting…
Once God creates something it’s noted that “it was good” (See Genesis 1:3, 10, 12, 18, 21, + 25). Verse 31 tells us “Then God saw everything that He made, and indeed it was very good”. In fact, the first time something is declared not good is when a helper was not found for Adam (See Genesis 1:18+20). “And the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a helper comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18).
I want you to notice the wording in verse 18. God says’ “I will make a helper comparable to him”‘ (emphasis mine).
As women we were CREATED TO BE A HELPER COMPARABLE to our Husbands. Never once in the account of the creation is it mentioned that man and woman complete each other!! We do find the word complete in Colossians 2:10…Here is where we see what really completes us and makes us whole. “And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” It is Jesus who completes us; not our Spouse, job, or any other thing in this world.
As important as relationships are the MOST important relationship we will ever be in is the one we share with Jesus. Whether or not this February finds you in a relationship you are complete as you are! Life was not desinged to begin the minute you meet Prince Charming. God created each and every day of your life with purpose. I encourage you to remember where your value is found. Remember just how much He loves us–He loves you enough to die for you even when you rejected Him (see Romans 5:6-8).
If you need a bit of encouragement or a simple reminder of just how much God loves you check out my book “Finding True Love: A 14 day devotional exploring the deep love that God has for us!” It’s available at the link below in both e-Book and Paperback.
Until next time,
Bailey Sue